Customer Testimonials

Item# testimonials

Product Description

Order: Susan L. from Cumming, GA
Rating: Excellent
Price Rating: Excellent
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: I have never had a more POSITIVE shopping experience ANYWHERE!! The first time I ordered, I received a hand-written thank-you letter with my order. Talk about PERSONAL SERVICE! This last time (my second purchase), I received a phone call at home the very day I placed my order, saying the color I requested was not in stock, giving me alternative colors. My shipment arrived within days. As far as quality of the merchandise: I will never buy a body shaper anywhere else again! It was the right size (how many times have you ordered a 5X and your size 16 sister couldnt get her thigh into it?!) and VERY DURABLE. No runs, no holes in my first pair, and Ive had it a year and wear it almost every day. I honestly cant say enough about my experience with Queen Lingerie. It is THEEEEE place for plus-size women to shop for lingerie!

Order: Michelle M. from New South Wales, Australia
Rating: Excellent

Price Rating: Excellent
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Order: Barry M. from Las Vegas NV
Rating: OK
Price Rating: OK
Shipping Options Rating: Good
Delivery Rating: Bad
Ease Of Purchase Rating:
Customer Service Rating: Good
Body: A Place with a nice selection of items. One of the items I ordered wasnt in stock. Thats understandable... it was the week before Valentines ;)

Order: Heather F. from Bemidji MN
Rating: OK
Price Rating: OK
Shipping Options Rating: OK
Delivery Rating: OK
Ease Of Purchase Rating:
Customer Service Rating: Excellent

Order: Kelly S. from Reading, PA
Rating: Excellent
Price Rating: Good
Shipping Options Rating: Good
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating:
Customer Service Rating: Good
Order: Riccarda S. from Lee's Summitm, MO
Rating: Excellent
Price Rating: OK
Shipping Options Rating: Excellent
Delivery Rating: Excellent
Ease Of Purchase Rating: Excellent
Customer Service Rating: Excellent
Body: Very personal customer relations - received warm appreciation and personal attention to my order. Awesome costumes for a plus sized woman - I was a smash at the halloween party and could actually thank you for my new boyfriend! Very friendly - I will definately do business with them in the future! Thanks.

Order: Bonnie A. from East Hampton, CT
Rating: Excellent
Comments: The transaction was definitely better than I had expected!
Order: Theresa S. from Anacortes, WA
Rating: Excellent
Comments: They actually called me to see if I wanted the matching stockings and undies...wow! It was a sales call, but I appreciated the info. I got a hand written note in the package, which is the first ever. I felt like more than a number, but a valued customer. I would highly recommend them for anyone looking for lingerie! I am getting married, so I did not need the extra hassle. Theresa